Are you in need of assistance?

Love INC is here to help. Everything we do revolves around relationships because Love INC isn’t just about meeting needs, it’s about meeting people where they are at, and helping them achieve their God-given potential. Calling our Connection Center is your first step.

Connection Center

When you call the Connection Center you are greeted with caring volunteers who will listen to your story and assess your needs. This can mean receiving resources from a Gap Ministry, joining Emerge, or a referral to a local agency. Complete the form below or call us to get started!

Gap Ministries

Love INC Church Partners are eager to help meet your needs through various Gap Ministries.


Emerge is a place where relationships are made and life transformation happens! At Emerge you can participate in financial education and life skills classes while also having the opportunity to be paired with a mentor.

Prayer Requests

Prayer is an integral part of who we are. Before we start our day, our meetings, or answer any phone calls… we pray. This gives God the opportunity to guide us on what He wants us to do. And we’re never disappointed.​​​ Would you like someone to pray for or with you? Give us a call at 509-453-0214 or submit your prayer request here.