Stories of Impact

A Note of Love Can Make a Difference

Several months ago, Hilary* called needing clothes for her 5 children and some basic household items. She had been separated from her husband and couldn’t rely on him to help.

During the intake, she confided that she’d recently had surgery and, unexpectedly, she now faced months of cancer treatments. She was devastated, exhausted, and worried about her children. She completed the intake but wasn’t able to follow through. Over the next few months, we stayed in touch with her, encouraged her, and prayed with her. We also gave a referral for a service that could provide supportive services, including family counseling, while she was in treatment.

One of the ways we communicate the love of Christ is by having a volunteer send a written note to every client. We call these Love Notes. We sent a Love Note to Hilary, inviting her to contact us if she needed assistance in the future.

After speaking to her recently, I discovered that she completed treatment and is regaining her strength. She said she was touched by the Love Note and carried it in her purse. To God be the Glory! (by Sandy, Connection Center Coordinator)

*Name changed to protect client confidentiality.