Our Impact

There’s nothing more powerful than churches working together to transform lives and communities In the Name of Christ.

Over the last 17 years, Love INC has connected our Church Partners and volunteers to over 6,200 families in the Upper Yakima Valley. Together, we have been able to meet over 13,800 needs and build relationships with individuals and families. Caring for them holistically, our neighbors are met with dignity and respect. The impact? Transformed lives. Transformed churches. And transformed communities.

Positive Changes

Tom* was skeptical and slightly guarded when he started TEAM (Training Equipping And Mentoring) a little over a year ago, but with much encouragement from his church and his TEAM mentor, he stuck with the program. Over time, he began to see that what he was learning worked, and his

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Serving In Your Gifting

We are thankful for the ways God has provided exactly what we need before we are even aware that we needed it. This year we have witnessed His provision of volunteers for the ministry. Eighteen months ago, we began the transition to a new database for Love INC that required

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Starting Over

Mary* came from South America in August with two of her children, leaving the oldest one behind. They were fleeing political persecution and physical abuse. It wasn’t the first time, but now they were fleeing for their lives, leaving everything behind. She left with a plan to eventually open a

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I am so happy!

The latest TEAM Graduation took place Tuesday night, March 29 for two TEAM participants who are ready to handle finances on their own. The quote above is from one of those participants as she reflected on the new job she got during her time in TEAM. She also paid off

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