Stories of Impact

Thankful in Hard Times

Recently Larena, the Emerge Director, received a call from a distraught participant. Shari* had been having car troubles so she dropped her car off at the shop for a couple of weeks. That morning she had gone outside to discover her friend’s car she borrowed was stolen. All of her job supplies for cleaning houses and her Love INC financial paperwork were in that car, including the taxes she had been meaning to mail at the urging of her mentor.

Before they got too far into solutions for her situation, Larena offered to pray with her and Shari felt so much better because they stopped to ask God for help. She was terrified of telling her mentor about the taxes not being mailed (Larena assured her that he was very kind). 

The day she called, Love INC provided her with a vacuum and cleaning products so she could continue to work. She also courageously confessed to her mentor that the taxes couldn’t be mailed, and they are working to redo her taxes. She later shared “I know it’s supposed to be about paying off debt, but God knew I needed this program to help me through my daily life. Thank you for all you do for me!”

*Name changed to protect client confidentiality.